Assesment of the design displacement values at seismic fault crossing and of their excess probability

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Assesment of the design displacement values at seismic fault crossing and of their excess probability
LIne structures such as pipelines that cross active faults should be designed to retain leak-tightness if the design displacement (Ddesign) occur. Principal approaches to the Ddesign and rupture kinematics assessment based on relationships between earthquake magnitude, rupture length and displacements, as well as on the detailed field data on a specific fault that crosses the pipeline route are described. Since real offset at the crossing may exceed the design value, the probability of a displacement at which the structure's safety can not be ensured should be estimated. Method of such event probability assessment is described and exemplified by active fault studies that were carried out.

A.L. Strom, A.I. Ivaschenko, A.I. Kozhurin, Assesment of the design displacement values at seismic fault crossings and of their excess probability//Geological Engineering Problems in Major Construction Projects, Proc. of the Int. Symp. and the 7th Asian Regional Conf. of IAEG, September 9-11, 2009, Chengdu, China, pp. 139-143
